Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 38

Before and After

My time: 38:57

I'm spending this week with my grandparents! I'm very excited. It will be really nice to have a different place to run. Sorry for the short post tonight, but tomorrow I will talk about my youth group's recent mission trip to Colorado. God bless!

Can you donate today?


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 37

Before and After

My time: 36:24

After an absolutely incredible week, I am finally home! Stay tuned for an upcoming post about the trip!

I've been waiting for an excuse to post this for months. First of all, can I just say how much I love those trees?!

Anyways, this picture has always stuck out to me. By simply existing, what are you doing? Taking up space. And we weren't put here to simply take up space, that doesn't benefit anyone. Even just the little things make a difference. The small everyday things can say a lot. Many times, setting the example says more than words can. People do actually notice. They notice the way you speak and act. One of the reasons people hate on Christianity so much is because we as a whole are very hypocritical. And it shouldn't be that way.

The point here is to be more than just a person living on this planet. Do something to make a difference, no matter how small it is.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 36

Before and After

My time: 33:31

Anybody notice that's my new record time? (:

I'm so excited to post about my trip when I get back! I've had so many good experiences. (And I have some awesome pictures to share with y'all too!) While I'm on the topic, I'd like to give a shout-out to the lovely Sierra for being my photographer all week! You are appreciated.

And now for our regularly scheduled post:

Someone actually told me something similar to this once. Sometime after, I found this, and I wish I would have responded to the person like this. It was after I mentioned something about church.

I'm not saying to shove the Gospel down people's throats. Don't interpret it that way. People hate that. But it is important to share it. You can explain it to them in a way that's not forceful, and present what you know to be fact. And no one can argue with your personal experiences.

Now, if someone says this because you're lifestyle reflects Christ in everything and they don't understand that, that's different. The world won't understand why you choose to stay at home and read your Bible instead of partying on Friday nights. The world can't grasp the fact that you don't like to use profanity. The world thinks its crazy that you want to keep yourself pure. But you will get your reward in full. And if the world rejects you, just remember that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

And Jesus dying for me was a pretty serious thing to do.

If you haven't donated yet, will you consider it today?


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 35

Before and After

My time: 36:08

If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. (1 John 1:6 NIV)

This point was brought up a lot in my Sunday School in middle school. Basically, if we say we are a Christian, yet party and drink and cuss and do not act like one, we are lying to everyone. People will think Christianity is not a different way of life; they will think "if that person says they are a Christian, but they act like the world, we must be Christians too." That is misleading. We, as Christians, should be setting an example for the world that says "we are different, we are always trying to do the right thing, make the right decisions, and we trust in God to carry us through our time of need." Be the example, don't be a liar, is pretty much what this verse tells us.

Can you donate today?


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 34

Before and After

My time: 36:39

Today was possibly the most beautiful run of my life. 

We took a day trip to a national forest and I got to run around a lake and stunning mountains and a majestic forest. I can't even describe it to you. Pictures coming when I get home! I will also include pictures from a mini photo shoot my friend Sierra and I had! 

This is a continued thought on the yesterday's post about worrying:

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34 NIV)

Not going to lie, I have a lot of issues with worry. I worry about the tests I have coming up, what I am going to wear, whether or not I will finish a big project etc. I found this verse while doing a 90 day whole bible reading plan and it was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

Worry is a sin. God tells us not to worry; so when we worry, we sin. By worrying, we are not putting our complete faith in Him. Everyone worries. I still worry a lot. When I think of this verse, however, I just stop worrying and trust God to get me through it and He has never failed me.

Donate please?


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 33


                                    Before and After


My time: 34:59

Matthew 6:27: And who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his life.

What Jesus is saying here is that worrying is not doing you any good. It's not beneficial, and it will never help you get through anything. Worrying about something is not going to make it go away. Therefore, worrying is not going to add a single hour to your life, all it will do is weigh you down.

Once, I caught myself thinking "Oh great. I have that thing we're starting in English today and I forgot to worry about it." I'm serious. I read this verse and realized this: worrying about something is not going to help me get through it. In fact, I managed a lot better because I didn't spend the whole night before stressing out about it.

Don't worry. You'll be a whole lot better off.

People shouldn't have to worry about where their next drink could come from. Will you donate today?


Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 32

I forgot to take an after I took it when I got back after showers. My wonderful friend Tiffany photo bombed as you can see. :)

My time: 36:23

As you can see from the before picture, the lovely Jessica is my running buddy all this week!

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12 NIV)

One of our responsibilities as Christians is to be evangelical. Included in that, we have to stand up for what we believe in. In a loving way, of course. That, to me, is fighting the good fight. It's doing everything you can to tell people about Jesus. And we will be rewarded when we get to heaven.



Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 31

My time: 38:04

Well, I leave today. I'm all packed, and I've left detailed instructions for my mom on how to post my blogs I've prewritten and add the times and pictures I text her daily.

I'm going to do a mini series, I guess you could say, this week. I'll just post a verse, and a little of what I got from it. That will be the first 4 days, and the last 2 I will be posting some pictures I've found that make me think.

Please pray for these people, that they will be open and receptive to the gospel. Pray for me and my church's safety as we travel, and while we are there. Also pray that damage from the fires is minimal and that the wildfires do not reach us.

It would be a wonderful surprise if I came back and there were new donations. Because India needs to hear the good news as well.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 30

(That's supposed to be a calendar!)

Before and After

My time: 38:17

Good news! I don't know if you read my earlier post, but right now we are still going on our mission trip! Things could still change in the morning though, so keep praying!

Remember that quote I posted yesterday? Well I made this thing with

Or there's this one:

Or this one:

Anyway, can you believe I am already a month in to my project? It has flown by! One well costs $555. I think we can get that amount if some people donate! Will you help today?



I woke up late, and it's too hot right now, but I'm going to do a preliminary blog post. The normal one is coming later.

I mentioned a few days ago the mission trip my church is going on? Well we just found out that an uncontrolled wildfire is burning 4 miles away from where we are staying. As of right now we are still going but if there is voluntary evacuation called we will not go. We've been looking forward to it for weeks and months and these people really need to hear the gospel. Please pray that they get the fire under control, or even miraculously put out. And please pray that we still get to go and stay the whole week, and that the people are receptive.

Thank you so much.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 29

Before and After

My time: 45:00

Today was so hot and I've been so sore lately that I just had to jog. Thus, I have clocked my worst time yet.

I've been having a severe case of writer's block lately. So I'm just going to share a quote with you all:

“Be eccentric, if you are. Be brilliant, if you are. Be loud, if you are.
Do not inhibit yourself from being who you’re supposed to be.”

God made each one of us individual and unique. If you made something the way you wanted it and it didn't serve the right purpose, wouldn't you be disappointed? Same with God. He doesn't want you to be something you're not, He wants you to be you, because he made you that way.

I'm adding that quote to the collage I'm making.

I've heard of a couple new donations today and I'm excited to update the total soon! Will you add to it?


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 28


Look! Even Nike knows its my birthday! How sweet! :)

My time: 38:55's my birthday guys! I'm very excited about it :) If you all will donate today it will just totally make my day. Even $10 or $20 goes a long way!

I was planning on running a little later in the evening, but my family ended up taking me to dinner so I was even later than I planned. The run was actually enjoyable though! 

You might have noticed our total went up to $325! I think we can get it higher though! Come on, it's my BIRTHDAY :)


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 27

My time: 35:15

My times are getting a little better!!

Some days are harder than others. Not even the running, it's just hard to get motivated some days. Like I've said before though, it's kind of hard to back out of something when so many people are holding you accountable. I highly recommend it. Getting a ton of people to hold you accountable to your goals, that is. 

I thought I should mention that I am actually going on a mission trip to another state soon. We leave Sunday morning. I will still be running daily, and posting, but my posts will probably be very short and sweet, and I will not be able to show a graph of my run. I'll probably just take a picture of my iPod screen. There also might not be a before and after picture every day.

Of course when I get back, I'll post something about the trip, and what I learned, etc. (: Hope everyone is having a great week, and if you're not, I pray that it gets better. Will you consider donating today?


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 26

My time: 38:34

I know I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I am officially 1/3 of the way done with running! I feel like just the other day I was waking up early for Day 1! And now I'm almost a month in, and really close to the 100 mile mark! 

And I get to be finished running in less than 50 days. But these people getting water every day over in India? They don't get to quit. They still have to survive. And travel to find the water. You can help though by donating. Then they can walk several feet instead of several miles. $10, $20, $50? Anything will help.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 25

My time: 41:02
I couldn't sync my iPod tonight, so I just took a picture of my workout summary. Sorry about that.

It's late, so I'm going to just make this a quick post. I think I'll just share a passage real quick:

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (James 2:14-17 NIV)

Donate? :)


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 24

My time: 36:41

I had to wait to run again today, and unfortunately after running a half mile, it started lightning and I had to stop and wait to run the other 3 miles. So while writing this I just got back from running and it is 10:15. I felt bad about not running the 3.5 miles all at once, so I just started over. I guess I'll just consider the extra .5 a warmup.

It stopped raining by the time I ran the 3.5, but there was still lightning flashing every 5 seconds. It was kind of pretty though, and far enough away that I didn't have to worry about being struck :) I DON'T recommend trying it though, cause you never know! Also, huge shout out to my wonderful mom for driving ahead of and behind me the whole 7 laps around the neighborhood so I wouldn't get hit by a car in the dark. You are appreciated. 

And since today is Father's Day, I want to thank my dad very much for being a huge supporter with everything in general. Not to mention all the great running advice he gives me when we run together. I love you.

I have a funny story. Funny for everyone but me, that is. Something really horrible happened tonight during my run...I think I might have swallowed a bug. I was running, it was dark...and some sort of gnat flew into my throat. I think I coughed and hacked it out but I'm not too sure. Either way, it was gross. You can laugh at me now.

Will you please donate today? It would just make me and many others so happy.
