Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Friday!

It's Friday guys! And in case you didn't know...

Yep, that's right! Only 21 days until I start running! I can't believe it's coming up so fast! I'm a little nervous to be honest...

And now for your Friday amusement:

IT'S LIL' BUB!! How adorable is this cat?! It has some sort of condition where it will have the body of a kitten as long as it lives! And it's little tongue hangs out because it's teeth never came in! I don't know if there are any bad effects from it, but just from those facts, this doesn't sound like a bad condition to have...

Here is a smiling lamb for you...

...And here is a dessert. I made this a couple days ago! It's just a brownie and ice cream but its SO good. The brownies were just a gluten-free store bought mix, the ice cream is Moolinneum Crunch ice cream-it's vanilla with little nuts and pieces of chocolate and caramel. I don't even like nuts and it was great. I think it might be limited time though... I also topped it with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and sprinkles! Yum.

What your coffee says about you:

I actually drink lattes (caramel!), coffee-to-go, cappuccinos, and frappuccinos...and all those descriptions fit me perfectly...

Last but not least, my favorite verse at the moment: (photo by me!!)

Why yes I do like photo filters, why do you ask?

Have a great day!


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