Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 6

Before and After

I guess my pace was so slow you cant even tell I walked a third time... 
My time: 43:46

Well. Today was not a good day. I have a confession and then a word of advice for any runners out there. First of all, I have to confess that I walked about 3 times. Not for too long, but I did walk. See those dips in the graph? Yeah. My advice is this: do not eat at all for the hour before you run. Even if its only a few bites. I ate just a little bit if oatmeal this morning and didn't start running until a whole 30 minutes later, but apparently that's not a long enough wait or something because I got the worst stomach cramps ever. I've had them before , but I have not been in that kind of excruciating pain in a long time. My pace slowed down drastically because I was bent over jogging in pain. And then I had to walk. It got only slightly better towards the end. I found myself pleading with God to give me the strength to finish, and He did. It was a humbling run.  

Oh and I had an interesting warm up today. My dog got out of the house right as I was walking to the place where I run. She is insanely fast and I had to chase her all the way around our huge shared pond. It took me and a couple neighbors bribing her with treats to catch her. So thank you Bella, for helping me warm up my legs. Just kidding, I'm still irritated that you got out. Too bad it's hard to stay mad at you and your cuteness :)

Stay tuned for some long, thought-out posts coming up! I am working on a couple of them.

In the meantime, is God calling you to donate today?



  1. Isaiah 43 vs 40 says I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland to give drink to my people my chosen.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. I'm very proud of u for running even when u don't feel good-mom
