Guess who's back?!
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I actually have some news: I will not be blogging here anymore. I created this blog to be a supplement for the Miles & Miles Project, but now the project is over and I am going to branch out a little. I feel a little confined on material because of the nature in which I designed this blog, and so I am about to publish a new one that will be more of a miscellaneous kind.
It will be a faith-based blog. I will be posting about anything from biblical things to everyday stuff. There will be reviews on things like books, movies, TV shows, etc. Maybe someday I'll channel my inner cook and post some recipes or something. I also want to work on some photography skills so I might have random photo posts. Sometimes I'll just ramble about some interesting thing that happened that day. But the content is not going to be centralized as much as it was here.
My posting schedule will be a little more constant over there than it has been here. I have decided to set aside certain days when I can write and be a little more focused on content.
As for this website, it will stay up. I am going to have a tab on my new blog that links directly back to here, that way if anyone wants to look back over the project they can do that. I also still want people to donate to OneLife if they want. And please note: I encourage you to donate! But your donation will not be featured in the total here on this site because I am no longer receiving updates from the organization. Our final total that we raised as a result of the project is $1,320. (And thank you guys SO MUCH for that, I'm so blessed for you all's amazing support.)
Oh and another thing about this website staying up: Sometime in the next five or six months or so, the site will revert back to a .blogspot domain. I don't really see the point in paying yearly to renew a .com domain for a site that I don't blog on anymore. So just be aware of that.
The new blog is not up yet; it is still in the works. I do have the name chosen and I'll release that sometime in the next few weeks. :) I plan on the blog being up by New Year's or earlier. When I am ready to release it I will post on here one last time with a link. So keep your eyes peeled for those upcoming announcements.
Thank you once again for your support and Happy late Thanksgiving! :)
Excited to see your new blog! xxx