Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 75

(Day 75 in Hindi, the official language of India)

Before and After


Me eating pie to celebrate! :)

My time: 41:36

262.5 miles.

I can't believe I made it.

Looking back, this has been one amazing summer. I ran through lightning. I ran through rain. I ran through ridiculous heat. I ran up and down a mountain. Twice. I ran in Colorado, including one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I ran at my grandparent's. I ran in a 5K plus a little extra, and I ran at camp. I ran by myself and with friends, sometimes more than one. 

But this wasn't ever about me. 

It's about them.

It's about all those beautiful faces that deserve so much better than what they have. It's about showing them the Truth and the Way through what we give them. It's about being an example and doing something to help something bigger than yourself. It's about sacrifice-whether it be time or money or resources. 

The Bible tells us to love one another, and that there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend. While we understand that can mean dying for someone else as Jesus did for us, you can lay down your life in the small things too. Laying down your life can be something as simple as giving up a couple hours to go volunteer somewhere. Or it can be giving up something for a time and using the extra money to go toward a good cause. It's sacrifices, both little and huge.

I would like to say thank you now for all the support I've gotten. My family, friends, church, teachers, teammates-you've all been so encouraging. If you hadn't pushed me, I don't know that I would've made it. Thank you to all of you whom I don't know, whether you read the blog or donated. But my biggest thank you today goes to Jesus Christ, for without him I'd still be enslaved and dead in my sins. He has given me the strength and drive and motivation. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your donations. 

I'm still taking donations, and I intend to for quite awhile. Please consider giving today. The donate button is right at the top.



  1. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 says..."I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing."
    Good job!
    Keep "running!"

    1. This was probably the most perfect verse for today. Thank you for that! :)

  2. Sweet, beautiful girl I'm so grateful for you. I'm grateful for your heart of compassion and for your willingness to not just talk about something but to put hands and feet to it. We need you. Challenging us just by your living out for Jesus. I'm so proud of you. How I wish I could meet you dear. xxx

    1. Thank you so so much, I probably never would've gone through with this if it weren't for you inspiring me! You just brighten my day! :) Someday I'd love to meet you too!

  3. Well, I'm so humbled that I was able to inspire you! Shoot me an email at misselaini [@] gmail.com and let me know where you live? I'd love to meet you too! xxx
